A Synthetic Taxonomy

as we set about on our earnest task

to destroy the natural world

the connection to our biological selves will become increasingly tenuous and it will be important to establish a new, synthetic nature
If we don't do it ourselves, it shall be done for us

It is just slightly in the future - humans have migrated to the poles, satellites have fallen from the skies, "here there be monsters" means something again. Those of us that remain are genetic time capsules, the hope is that in one or two hundred thousand years the earth will have healed itself. In the meantime we live in a sort of stasis, connected to a home made Matrix, our realities a soothing, hallucinatory respite from the realities of surviving on a hostile planet. As the machine was turned on, someone surely said, "Let there be light" and that someone must have surely guided the creation and evolution of this, other world. This synthetic taxonomy will be the start of a new Bible.